13. Horny Beach Horses

If Victor were a dog he’d be an Airedale Terrier. Olivia has a short and simple dream that turns into…...

If Victor were a dog he’d be an Airedale Terrier. Olivia has a short and simple dream that turns into a long and complex exploration of either her anxiety about starting a new job, or her concerns about having children. The Dream Team veers from their usual approach and cracks open some dream interpretation books that have been collecting dust in the pod lab for over a year. Zach has a short and simple dream that turns out to be short and simple. Victor and Olivia reminisce on their first date.

0:00 intro

13:05 Olivia's Dream

52:44 Zach's Bus dream and some chit chat

About Dream Bible:

Dream Bible is a free online A to Z dream dictionary dedicated to helping people understand the meaning of their dreams. Unlike other dream interpretation websites or books we extensively research dream symbols by interviewing people about the events occurring in their lives at the time of their dreams.  Inspired by the work of Gillian Holloway Ph.D, we are using a database of over 350,000 dream reports to create the world's most practical dream dictionary based on the waking life experiences of regular people.


Dream Bible entries used in this episode:

Horses: https://www.dreambible.com/search.php?q=Horses

Beach: https://www.dreambible.com/search.php?q=beach

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Check out our website for episode transcripts: https://thejungandtherestlesspodcast.com/

Submit your dreams for interpretation to thejungandtherestlesspod@gmail.com

Episode Transcript

Horny Beach Horses

Welcome to The Jung and the Restless. I'm Olivia. I'm Victor.

And I'm Zach. And this is the podcast where no matter how sexy the cornbread is, leave it alone. 

[00:00:26] Zach: So were your dreams of them before you had met them? Accurate to what they looked. 

[00:00:30] Olivia: I mean, as accurate as any dreams are, right. I feel like a lot of the time, even when it's like Victor, who I look at every day all the time, you don't always look like you. sometimes my brain won't get it perfectly right. Or sometimes you'll just turn into a dog and still, I don't be you 

[00:00:50] Victor: There's a dog that goes by our place all the time and Olivia's like that's you Oh that's you if you were a dog 

[00:00:57] Zach: It Victor vibes. 

[00:00:58] Olivia: It's an Airdale Terrier Look it up It's Totally got Victor vibes 

[00:01:02] Zach: but that's interesting. I actually hadn't thought about, cuz now that I'm thinking about it, there are certain people that are like that in my dreams where I never get 'em quite right and, sorry, an Airdale terrier. 

[00:01:14] Victor: Mm-hmm 

[00:01:16] Zach: And then there are, other people that are always, it's always spot on 

[00:01:20] Olivia: Yeah I have that too 

[00:01:21] Zach: and it doesn't seem to be correlated with, cause I'm thinking of somebody that I hardly ever see, but when she's in my dreams, it's spot on. And then Yeah like somebody you see every day, like Victors will be not quite right. I don't.

[00:01:33] Olivia: Yeah I wonder what that's related to because\ I think Victor you're somebody who like looks different in dreams but like maybe that means something though Maybe it's because Those other things might actually have more symbolism 

the other ways that you appear or like the differences in your face maybe mean something 

[00:01:52] Zach: Your brain's doing less work to recreate that person cuz it's like we know. Yeah, it's Victor. We know Victor. 

[00:01:59] Olivia: Yeah 

[00:02:00] Victor: that's interesting 

[00:02:01] Olivia: Yeah It's like you could you could be a dog or a daisy or a potato and it just doesn't matter Cuz 

[00:02:07] Zach: see, I see what you mean 

[00:02:09] Olivia: your heart 

[00:02:10] Zach: the heart of an Airdale terrier, 

[00:02:12] Victor: Right 

[00:02:13] Zach: just 

[00:02:13] Olivia: him 

[00:02:14] Zach: I mean, kind of, yeah. I guess If if he was a dog. 

[00:02:18] Victor: Well that's 

[00:02:19] Olivia: that's what it is is were a dog 

[00:02:22] Zach: a as a man though. Victor, you look nothing like a Dale Terrier. 

[00:02:26] Victor: Thank you That's what I've tried to tell her over 



[00:02:31] Victor: It is interesting how like when you hear about somebody or a place or whatever your brain like will conjure up a thing to fill that space and it's usually like way off base of what that person or place actually looks like you can't help but like try and conjure it up 

[00:02:50] Olivia: Yeah no I really feel that like anytime I'm oh I'm going over to so-and-so's house for the first time I've never been there and I've got like I'll I'll get there and I'll be like Hmm not what I was 

[00:03:01] Victor: expecting Like 

[00:03:03] Olivia: why was anything 

[00:03:04] Victor: Yeah 

[00:03:05] Zach: this is an underwater, 

[00:03:08] Olivia: It's like oh it really had like dark dingy vibes in my brain for some reason I don't know Like you have to conjure up something because wonder if that's the same for people who don't have like as much visual imagination 

[00:03:22] Zach: Yeah 

Cause I was sitting here thinking about it, like the, the example I thought of of like somebody that I hardly ever see. And I haven't had a dream about this, about this person in a long time, but I wonder if it has to do with like putting a, like a lot of subconscious importance on getting their face right. And then that's why I remember it more vividly cuz my brain did all this work to be like, look at this face. This is it. Right. You know what 

I mean? As opposed to somebody who you, you see all the, all the time. It might just, Throw an image up of them.

Cause it's close enough, you know? You know

[00:03:55] Olivia: Yeah 

[00:03:56] Zach: what

they actually look like. You get the idea. 

[00:03:58] Olivia: Yeah that kinda makes sense 

[00:04:00] Zach: Just a theory. 

[00:04:01] Olivia: And then there's like when somebody merges with somebody else in a way that really means something 

[00:04:08] Zach: Yeah. Didn't you have one of those recently, 

[00:04:10] Victor: had dreams where like 

uh I am your ex or your ex is me like that 

[00:04:17] Olivia: guess we'll go there Yeah I have dreams sometimes where like Victor and my ex will be like merged into one thing And I think what this is about I think it's like pointing to something that Is unresolved from that past relationship Like something that was that I have maybe carried with me that was really like alive and apparent in that relationship that like Victor doesn't necessarily trigger but it's like something that's that I haven't like properly worked through I guess 

[00:04:50] Zach: Right, I think that's what the dream was and. Episode I'm editing right now. Right? That with the game where, I'm trying to guess the dream you already figured out 

[00:04:58] Olivia: Oh yeah That was and that's not the X that it usually that Victor usually is different ex 

[00:05:05] Zach: uh, weird. 

[00:05:06] Victor: and I'm not always an X All right usually listener Usually I'm me It's just sometimes there's X 

[00:05:13] Olivia: so 


[00:05:14] Zach: a dog. 

[00:05:16] Victor: right 

[00:05:16] Olivia: No Only in real life 

[00:05:18] Zach: Only in real life 

Now that we are released, it's like, or now that we've put the show out there, I'm getting so lost in the sauce about like, 

[00:05:28] Olivia: where 

[00:05:29] Zach: that, is this one that just went out? Is this one that was recorded to be and got scrapped?

Is this one that I'm currently editing?

[00:05:36] Victor: Yeah 

[00:05:37] Zach: what When we talk about 

[00:05:38] Olivia: right now will probably have come out like a month ago 

[00:05:42] Zach: oh yeah 

At least. 

[00:05:45] Olivia: Yeah 

[00:05:46] Victor: Yeah Or like I wanna reference like something that happened in like episode three Because that's what we've been listening to recently Or like the dream with your your mom 

that's like it feels very current to me cuz I've just been listening to it 

[00:06:02] Zach: Yeah.

I think the, the timeline will smooth itself out, but it's 


[00:06:06] Victor: Yeah But no um your your mom had a dream about Todd 

[00:06:12] Zach: pony dream. 

[00:06:13] Victor: Yeah Right The dream where Todd like kind of was taken on uh sign guy characteristics or whatever It's the same kind of thing Right It's like it's about relationships or like your relationship with relationships more so than like whatever body is home in that space 

[00:06:30] Zach: Yeah. I was thinking about the continu, the continuity earlier of like, cause I think last episode, last time I recorded, I referenced that I'm dating somebody or it, it came. Um, and then I re like the first few episodes at least, I spent talking about how I'm not ready to date anyone I just wanna get my shit together.

And I was like, oh shit, that's gonna seem like a hairpin turn. And I was like, oh wait, no. There aren't a ton more that need to be released before 

[00:06:57] Olivia: make an announcement though This 

[00:06:59] Zach: I had a dream 

had a dream like two episodes ago that we couldn't fucking figure out 

[00:07:04] Olivia: Mm-hmm 

[00:07:05] Zach: the one about the like, monsters on the hills. 

[00:07:07] Olivia: Yeah 

[00:07:07] Zach: it was, I guess I'm just retroactively gonna fill in the like, storyline.

feels so like self importance to act like you, like this um like like a narrative podcast, you know? And like people are hanging on with their, like the edge of their seats waiting for the, but I don't know that that's the parasocial relationship I have with my podcast that I listen to. But anyway, we couldn't figure out that dream and then I realized off air, I think it was about me being, cuz I was gonna see my friend Shelby that weekend.

And I was, I thought potentially something could happen. Um, and I was, I think I was processing like worst case scenario stuff or like, Toxic traits that I used to have that I was worried about, like 

bringing into the mix. but anyway, things did happen and now we're dating and it's going really great.

[00:07:54] Victor: Yeah You're all worried about bringing those toxic traits into a new relationship and now you have and it feels great You remember why You were so toxic to begin with You love it 

[00:08:05] Zach: and

she's, stuck. She, she's just has to deal with it now. 

[00:08:10] Olivia: You got one 

[00:08:12] Zach: I got one the, all the, like, I just wanna be single stuff was just like, uh, cover up for the fact that I was failing to entrap a woman But I'm sure that like, it's just, cuz those episodes just dropped. And then our first episodes that hearing myself feel like, not stubbornly single, but like decisively single 

[00:08:32] Olivia: Mm-hmm 

[00:08:33] Victor: Hmm 

[00:08:33] Zach: and that I, there must be, uh, curious to listen to our own show to see if that like dissolves or like softens. I don't really remember, cuz I did, obviously I was talking to Shelby for like, months before she, she came here, we were talking like super regularly, which is why, you know, I was thinking something, it was going somewhere, you know, 

[00:08:53] Victor: Right 

[00:08:53] Olivia: And yeah it'll be really interesting to see like the trends in our dreams cuz like my dreams have certainly had some trends Um and like I feel like there's been a shift in them recently and um into some other fucking problem that I have to sort within myself So uh yeah 

[00:09:15] Zach: Yeah. Originally I was thinking like, oh, it's a, it's about dreams. It can be as disjointed as it wants to be, but the, it's I mean, dreams are about you though, so they're like con 


[00:09:25] Olivia: at all 

 I don't know I feel the need to like warn people like if they're gonna submit a dream that it's like no this but this isn't fun though Okay Like you yeah you had like a really wacky crazy dream and it was super f like silly ha haha No no we're gonna talk about you It's serious 

[00:09:47] Victor: and we're mean we're mean to people 

[00:09:50] Olivia: and we're judgmental No I'm just kidding Actually on that note um somebody last night and we when we went went to meet with some friends um he somebody who had sent in sent me a dream a while ago that we didn't end up doing for whatever reason he listened to the podcast and he was like yeah So like I just wanna check with you Like you wouldn't just like talk about me like that And listeners I just wanna like let you know that uh we have full permission from anyone that we're talking about on this podcast We have full permission to talk about the things we discuss We use sudo pseudonyms And um yeah I if you do submit a dream we're not just gonna hypothesize about your deepest darkest secrets and blast 'em out to everyone 

[00:10:41] Victor: Except for that guy Fuck that guy We're gonna talk about him the rest of the episode

Fuck that guy I have thoughts 

The guy that was like Hey you're not just gonna 

[00:10:49] Olivia: talk Oh yeah Fuck that That's his pseudonym 

[00:10:53] Victor: that guy 

[00:10:54] Zach: that guy 

are we gonna do his dream? 

[00:10:57] Olivia: No not right now it's too old I don't know what was going on in his life and it sounds like he doesn't want me to talk about it So 

[00:11:05] Zach: Yeah. you know, there's a process, like we gotta get information from people and, and their feelings and stuff. And I think, I think it becomes pretty clear the nature of like, what's going to go out there. You know what I mean? Be before it happens. 

[00:11:21] Olivia: for sure 

[00:11:22] Zach: also before it was, before anything had ever aired, it was, um, just a nebulous idea. Now, now people can know what they're getting into, 

[00:11:30] Victor: That's 

[00:11:30] Olivia: thing is like he was like that's fun Here's a wacky Harry Potter dream And it's you know probably about something horrible that he doesn't want us to talk about 

[00:11:39] Victor: Mm-hmm 

Olivia's dream

[00:11:40] Zach: So what are we going to get into today 

[00:12:03] Victor: Do you have anything

[00:12:04] Zach: Kind of I don't think it's a whole segment

[00:12:07] Olivia: I've I've liked when we we are do like one about an existential crisis and then one that's about like a floppy rubber butt 

[00:12:17] Victor: What about you Liv When are you bringing to the table Today 

[00:12:21] Olivia: I'll be the existential crisis if you want 

Um okay So this dream happened last week and it was pretty simple I was on a beach and there was a black horse and a white horse And the black horse was fucking the white horse 

[00:12:40] Zach: Nice. 

[00:12:41] Olivia: I guess I think the black horse was my horse and the white horse belonged to someone else And I was talking to this other person and and she was like let me think What did she say Oh we we were talking about if we should separate them And like at some point I was like trying to put up a fence And then I think I didn't because it didn't make sense Um the be the beach was like where they lived though I remember it was like these two horses lived on this beach and it was kind of a private like you had to go down a cliff to get to it So it was kind of secluded and like the the bluffs sort of made an enclosure in a sense cuz they were on this little crescent shaped beach between the water and the cliff And so they were kind of enclosed and they were just Yeah Going at it 

[00:13:36] Zach: All right. Horny ass beach horses. 

[00:13:39] Victor: I'm write that down Horny ass beach horses 

[00:13:45] Zach: what are the symbols you think? White Horse, black Horse Beach. that 

[00:13:49] Olivia: That's what I think 

[00:13:50] Victor: And then fucking if we need to 

[00:13:54] Olivia: think that horses are already a horny dream Bible entry 

[00:13:58] Victor: there's 

[00:13:59] Olivia: there's already a white horse and a black horse entry in the Dream Bible Mm-hmm 

[00:14:03] Victor: We'll get around to it So I've got beach horses white black white and black 

[00:14:10] Zach: as as just generic color? E entries or colors of the horses? 

[00:14:16] Olivia: I feel like you should look at the horse entry cuz it has like specific things for white horse and black horse if I remember correctly 

[00:14:22] Victor: Yeah I've just got 'em here if we need 'em just queued up 

[00:14:25] Olivia: don't 

[00:14:26] Victor: All right No let me They're off limits now definitely not gonna read those 

[00:14:31] Olivia: Keep it up just in case 

[00:14:33] Victor: I don't know No 

[00:14:36] Zach: You this every day, Victor 

[00:14:38] Victor: Yeah Daily All right To Dream of the beach represents a time in your life 

[00:14:49] Olivia: life Sorry that actually is a bit that we do 

[00:14:57] Zach: you just like pretend to fight. 

[00:15:00] Olivia: Yeah Because you know sometimes you need 

[00:15:04] Victor: kinda spice things up a little 

[00:15:05] Olivia: bit Yeah If you're if you're too happy 

[00:15:07] Zach: mocking people who are fighting. 

[00:15:11] Victor: All right To dream of the beach represents a time in your life when you are confronting negativity or facing uncertainty It may also represent a transition from a familiar setting to an unfamiliar one confronting a current difficulty confronting a hard reality after first believing you wouldn't have to negatively dreaming of the beach may be a sign that you're confronting a serious crisis moment in your life possibly a sign that you were not doing enough to take a serious problem or crisis Seriously Enough example a man dreamed as standing on a beach facing the water In real life he was experiencing a health crisis and almost died Example two A man dreamed of seeing a beach in waking life He was facing the most serious crisis of life which required him to stay away for four days straight with no food or water to survive it 

[00:16:03] Zach: What 

[00:16:05] Victor: I don't know 

Yeah weird 


[00:16:08] Zach: what's crazy about those examples to me is that seem so random and made up before we learn that dream Bibles based on like extensive surveys. 

[00:16:18] Olivia: right 

[00:16:19] Zach: are those 

are, actual, those are actual stories. 

[00:16:22] Olivia: Yeah Which is why when they're like when to dream of spaghetti in a toilet It's like all right enough people submitted dreams about this I guess Wait 

[00:16:30] Victor: okay There's an oddly elaborate Example three that has a second paragraph that begins oddly enough So I'm gonna I'm gonna read that 

[00:16:41] Zach: Yeah, let's hear that. 

[00:16:42] Victor: example three A woman dreamed of being at the beach and loving it in waking life She finally decided to have an affair with a man she had been talking to for a while The enjoyable beach setting may have reflected her awareness of herself going through with the affair while she knew it was wrong confronting the uncertainty of the risking her current uh confronting the uncertainty of risking her current relationship by enjoying herself cheating with another man Oddly enough the man whom the woman had the affair with had the same beach dream as her on the same night This would make sense because as they were both confronting the uncertain prospect of being caught cheating the beach scene in both their cases reflected the confrontation with emotional risk of the knowing that they were acting out of their adulterous fantasies 

[00:17:39] Olivia: Tandem dreaming 

[00:17:40] Zach: Oh, the, the, uh, Chie had the dream too, 

[00:17:45] Olivia: Yeah they yeah Her 

[00:17:46] Zach: or the with not the 

[00:17:49] Victor: same dream 

[00:17:51] Olivia: Yeah It's like you and I having work stress dreams on the same night because we're having work stress 

[00:17:57] Victor: So to recap dreaming of a beach is 

[00:18:01] Olivia: confronting 

[00:18:02] Victor: negativity and uncertainty transition and confrontation

[00:18:06] Zach: Okay. Bringing any bells yet? Olivia, 

[00:18:10] Olivia: Uh 

[00:18:12] Zach: you said this was last week 

[00:18:14] Olivia: yeah no Let's hear horses 

[00:18:16] Zach: I thought about Naying right there. 

[00:18:20] Olivia: can you do it at some point 

[00:18:22] Zach: No

[00:18:24] Victor: No

[00:18:27] Zach: cause you said, let's hear horses. Nevermind. Let's move on

[00:18:33] Victor: to dream of a horse represents ambition and strong drives stamina endurance or your capacity for hard work Horses can also represent your sexual drive In libido horses often appear in dreams of people who work very hard students that are very driven people with very strong sexual interests or anyone who is very motivated 

[00:18:52] Olivia: motivated 

[00:18:53] Victor: pushing ahead hard for your goals negatively A horse in a dream may be a sign that you are taking too many risks with your ambition to succeed hurting others in your drive to get ahead Sexual interests that are excessive a warning that you need to slow down 

[00:19:08] Olivia:

[00:19:09] Victor: horse symbolizes ambition or a drive to succeed based on 

good intentions self-control and balanced views As you pursue a goal A white horse can also reflect an ambitious drive to be perfect at something Alternatively a white horse may also reflect a healthy sex drive with your spouse A black horse is a sign that you may be too obsessed with achieving a goal A black horse can also reflect a fear of your enemy's ambitious drive to be more successful than you Alternatively a black horse may be a sign that you are too sexually driven or have an unhealthy sex life 

[00:19:47] Olivia: okay so my my unhealthy ambition is fucking my healthy ambition 

[00:19:56] Zach: That's what I heard 

[00:19:57] Olivia: a on a in a place of uncertainty in a time of crisis

[00:20:04] Victor: uncertainty or crisis 

It doesn't I think it doesn't have to be a crisis time in your life when you're confronting Oh yeah When you're confronting negativity or facing uncertainty it may also represent a transition from a familiar setting to an unfamiliar one Okay 

[00:20:23] Olivia: Uncertainty Yeah that makes sense Okay But so like the white and the black horse are like the opposites of the same thing 

[00:20:30] Victor: Yeah They're both drives but one's healthy and one's unhealthy 

[00:20:35] Olivia: Hmm 

[00:20:35] Zach: My mom was just getting dominated. 

[00:20:37] Olivia: Yeah

[00:20:38] Victor: Yeah Yeah Your healthy impulses are just getting pounded away at Yeah 

[00:20:44] Olivia: I don't know My first uh my first thing is like is this a work a work career ambition dream Because I 

[00:20:52] Zach: That was my thought. 

[00:20:53] Olivia: yeah I feel like the the sexual stuff doesn't quite track 

[00:20:58] Zach: Yeah. Well, I, I couldn't know what's going on there, but I do know you got a new job. I don't know if you've said that on the podcast yet, but you literally just got hired. Right? 

[00:21:06] Olivia: yeah And I think that was up in the air last week No I think I had maybe just that's hard to say it I think I was like pretty sure that I had it at that point Um but I think my biggest concern with it is like really normal feelings about starting a new job which is that you just don't know what it's gonna be like Right And like 

yeah I think that it's that's probably more about uncertainty than anything I don't know if it's I think we talked about this in the Tandem Dreaming episode where it's like if you've had jobs that that had you know um big negatives to them or like your boss was weird or whatever the situation was like going into a new thing is it can be kind of daunting just cuz you're not sure if if it's gonna be like that again Um and I I don't think it that this job is but um yeah I think probably a little anxious about that Um I will say though like thi this 

[00:22:12] Victor: particular 

[00:22:13] Olivia: interview process like I don't know like I felt really relaxed about everything I was not like stressing about the interviews Everyone was super nice It was very chill and 

[00:22:22] Zach: which if you're traumatized, can be a red flag to you, right? easy. 

Work is supposed to be hell. How is this not? 

[00:22:31] Olivia: Yeah no I I think I said that Yeah I think that was another thing I said in that episode way back when which is that like When everything's right uh that can 

[00:22:42] Victor: register 

[00:22:43] Olivia: as um a red flag just cause but at that point isn't everything a red flag 

[00:22:49] Zach: Yeah 

[00:22:50] Olivia: in general 

[00:22:52] Victor: does that ring true for you That it's a that it's a work thing or like a new job thing 

[00:22:57] Olivia: let's explore the other options there I guess Cause unhealthy ambition uh overpowering the healthy Ambition doesn't I don't know what that I don't know what that means 

[00:23:09] Victor: and you were 

distressed right You didn't want the horses to be mating

you were 

[00:23:14] Olivia: it was fine They were supposed to be fucking 

[00:23:16] Victor: Wait you were trying to separate them 

[00:23:18] Olivia: Yeah at one point I was trying to uh like but it was more like a should we put up a fence Like it was not like we need to get these horses off of each other It was like all right now that they're done fucking do you think we should separate them for the night Oh 

[00:23:34] Victor: okay Huh 

[00:23:35] Olivia: It it wasn't like yeah I think there was like an intention for them to like breed or something 

[00:23:41] Victor: Well so that's a whole other meaning right Because that's not one dominating the other That's like encouraging a merger between these 

[00:23:49] Olivia: Yeah I kind of forgot that until just now I kind of wanna look at what I wrote down about this and see if that is correct 

[00:23:56] Zach: Yeah,

Cause you made it sound like you even started to build a fence and then you up or whatever, cuz the other lady talked you into it that it would be okay.

[00:24:05] Olivia: I can't remember why I stopped putting the fence up I it felt felt like maybe it was like not gonna work or like that it wasn't actually going to be an effective thing or accomplish anything but I remember not being alarmed by the horse fucking 

[00:24:22] Victor: and this other person was also not alarmed 

[00:24:24] Olivia: We were just kind of watching 

[00:24:26] Zach: like 

a couple of weirdos. 

[00:24:27] Victor: mm-hmm 

[00:24:29] Olivia: like a a couple of enum claw 


[00:24:32] Victor: Ah there it is 

[00:24:33] Zach: Couple of 

[00:24:34] Olivia: a Washington joke for y'all 

[00:24:36] Victor: Yeah 

[00:24:37] Olivia: Don't look it up 

[00:24:38] Zach: what? was it? I didn't even hear you 

[00:24:41] Victor: the 

[00:24:41] Olivia: to find out 

[00:24:42] Zach: God damn it. 

[00:24:43] Victor: You're gonna have to submit that as an Apple Podcast review Maybe we'll address it on the show 

[00:24:50] Olivia: Um okay No all I wrote is White Horse and Black Stallion on the beach The beach is where they live They breed 

[00:24:57] Zach: They 

[00:24:59] Olivia: Yeah I just wrote they breed deciding to put up a divider but if I remember correctly we were not concerned about the breeding and that was perhaps the intention of them being there 

[00:25:13] Zach: That. That was not the intention, but it was like, 

[00:25:17] Olivia: I think it was the intention 

[00:25:18] Zach: oh, I misheard you. 

[00:25:20] Victor: the intention I'm sorry 

[00:25:22] Olivia: They were supposed to be fucking 

[00:25:24] Victor: were supposed to be fucking were they are they trying to breed Is that the idea Fuckings for 

[00:25:28] Olivia: it's procreation 

[00:25:30] Victor: That's narrow minded 

[00:25:34] Olivia: I don't think horses Fuck for fun

[00:25:36] Zach: I think it's probably fun 

for them though 

[00:25:38] Olivia: probably kind of fun No probably for maybe for one of them 

[00:25:42] Victor: Do you think that the horses are fucking thinking like this is so we make another horse is all about that little horse baby 

[00:25:53] Zach: I mean to the breeders, that's what it is. 

[00:25:57] Olivia: I'm pretty sure that they don't even let them actually fuck because they have like rocks for fists They're like big danger beasts and so they just used a Turkey baster 

[00:26:08] Zach: Rocks for fists. 

[00:26:10] Olivia: They've got 

[00:26:11] Victor: got 

[00:26:13] Olivia: like they're hooves I feel like they could just hurt each other I don't know I could be wrong I feel like they could really easily hurt each other by like 

[00:26:20] Zach: this was supposed to 

be a horse cock. And you're like the, I thought you just like Freudian slipped and said fists instead of penis. I was like 



I'm sorry, I'm looking for paper cuz I had an idea for an app just now 

[00:26:47] Victor: Go on Of 

[00:26:48] Zach: a good 

[00:26:49] Olivia: you 

[00:26:51] Zach: No, I'm not gonna tell you. I don't want anyone to steal this idea. 

[00:26:54] Olivia: Zach 

[00:26:55] Zach: it's 

legitimately a good idea. I'll tell you off 

[00:26:57] Victor: Okay Tell how 

[00:26:58] Olivia: All right 

[00:26:59] Victor: okay 

[00:27:00] Zach: we can collaborate. Cause I don't know how to code 

[00:27:02] Olivia: okay Hey There you go New project 


[00:27:06] Victor: okay Well so there were sex in the dream It was about procreation Major theme of the dream is sex and procreation Right Uh like a thing in our personal lives is that we go back and forth on like whether we want to have a kid or not Right so there could be a connection there of 

um You know conflicting impulses you know part of you wanting to you know take on and take that on And part of you wanting to keep the life that we have and not you know radically change it 

[00:27:42] Olivia: Yeah 

[00:27:43] Victor: Just a thought 

[00:27:44] Olivia: that is a theme in in my dreams isn't it 

[00:27:47] Zach: Yeah Didn't one of those dreams involve a horse too? You had a dream about like a tree and a horse 

[00:27:52] Victor: Yeah 

[00:27:52] Olivia: That that's true 

[00:27:54] Zach: Also, you work with horses though, so is it possible you're like processing your work day, 

[00:27:58] Olivia: No I don't think so 

[00:28:01] Victor: are never about horses Zach 

[00:28:04] Olivia: Poop is not about poop Sex is not about poop but sex is about horses 

[00:28:11] Zach: sex is about procreating. You've established that 

[00:28:13] Olivia: Horses are about sex well so then does that mean that the horses are about sex Because if the horses are about sex according to Dream Bible that would mean that um so the black horse is too sexually driven or have an unhealthy sex life and the white horse is a healthy sex drive with your spouse 

[00:28:42] Zach: You guys are married, 

[00:28:43] Victor: Yeah Do you think there's something there 

[00:28:45] Olivia: I don't I don't know That doesn't make any that doesn't make a lot of sense to me 

[00:28:49] Victor: Yeah 

[00:28:50] Zach: what would make sense to me? if, you know, hypothetically work stuff was like getting in the way of that. Like, I don't know. Sometimes people like their sex drive takes a dip when they're stressed about work or something, would make, I mean, just hypothetically like analyzing his dream for any random person. Mean like maybe where I started with the black horse topping the white horse. 

[00:29:16] Olivia: Yeah No I think we're like totally good in that department 

[00:29:20] Victor: Yeah we're good 

[00:29:22] Zach: Yeah. 

[00:29:23] Olivia: We fuck all the time 

[00:29:26] Zach: wet right now, bro. 

[00:29:28] Victor: We're fucking right now 

[00:29:29] Zach: They're good at it. Listeners. Um, now you guys have always had the like, chill, relaxed vibe of a couple that doesn't have any issues in that department 

[00:29:41] Olivia: Yeah So that means this is probably about work I guess 

[00:29:45] Victor: Yeah I think it's probably either about work or having a kid Right Or you know we were talking 

[00:29:51] Olivia: more about that What do you what exactly what's the connection that you're seeing there 

[00:29:56] Victor: Well um something that we've talked about um like an anxiety you've expressed I mean bringing it back to sex is like one of the one of the things we've thought about when it's like whether we should start a family or not you know is like well is this gonna ruin our sex life 

[00:30:15] Olivia: That's true It's like It's a high high on the 

[00:30:21] Zach: Yeah.

And so I don't know how to tie that into the symbolism of the two specific horses yet, but that does fit the, um, narrative of the, you turning to the woman on the beach being like, should we separate them? And she's like, no, no, it's supposed to, you know, it's supposed to happen like this. You what I mean?

Like, that could be like know, it's very norm. It's considered very normal societally and historically to start a family. 

[00:30:45] Victor: A couple weeks ago we had a conversation around this job or or like thinking about starting this job where um I think you were feeling anxious that like a new job but or like like changes in patterns would like possibly negatively affect our relationship Right Like I re I remember you were stressed out about that like a couple of weeks ago when you had a conversation about it and 

[00:31:09] Olivia: yeah I don't know what I'm worried about though Like that hasn't historically been the case Something I'm reading here in the horse entry a dream of a horse represents ambition and strong drives So like not necessarily just a sex drive but like 

[00:31:25] Zach: Mm-hmm. 

[00:31:25] Olivia: the drive to procreate That's a drive right 

[00:31:29] Victor: yeah no That's a drive And then the work thing is also a drive and just anything about like wanting control your life Sorry 

[00:31:38] Zach: it drives the species that drive, you know? 

[00:31:42] Victor: Does any of this resonate with you Cuz something that works for us when we're doing this is we just kind of throw stuff at a wall then the dreamer will sometimes say Yeah that clicks right So does any of this click No All right then it's not about any of this shit You're just talking 

just flapping our lips 

about our life for no goddamn reason 

[00:32:04] Zach: for Edutainment. 

Yeah, Olivia's always looking for the high of that like, epiphany 

[00:32:10] Olivia: I Yeah 

[00:32:12] Zach: And 

it's like, like I, I have 

[00:32:14] Olivia: have a problem 

[00:32:15] Zach: I have way more where I'm like, yeah, I guess so. That's probably it. 

[00:32:20] Victor: Something 

we've been talking about recently is you feel like you're kind of you've you're coming up on Like a level of self-awareness about stuff that's 

still just like just at a reach where like you you kind there's like some stuff where it's like I can see that I have like work to do there or there's like a breakthrough waiting for me over there But I can't because I'm not through it I can't see it And so because you've kind of been processing that lately because there's something you're working through it makes a lot of sense to me that you're having more dreams that we can't

figure out 

[00:32:58] Olivia: Um yeah that's absolutely true That that has been the case for like several dreams recently where I mean it's cool to talk about them cause I feel like later down the the road when I have done that work and like out Some stuff I guess Like I'll look back and be like oh the fucking horses that was about I dunno My dad probably 

[00:33:25] Zach: Um, I'm trying to remember the name of. That cognitive bias, it's Oh, the Dunning Kruger effect. It's like the Dunning Kruger effect. Like the more you know, the more you realize how much you don't know. 

[00:33:36] Victor: Yeah But there's a little bit in the beginning there where you know You know 


Yeah And you think you know everything Yeah 

[00:33:43] Zach: Yeah, but you're way 

[00:33:45] Victor: where we're at 

[00:33:47] Zach: Oh, you think that's where 

[00:33:48] Olivia: Ah man I thought I was already there like 10 years ago 

[00:33:52] Victor: No I think that's where we are all at with dream interpretation we've we we've had a couple lucky hits and so like we are masters of this domain We should be able to interpret every dream but we're still just a couple of assholes 

[00:34:06] Zach: yeah, yeah,

This shit's easy. 

[00:34:09] Olivia: Just a couple 

[00:34:10] Zach: Knocking 

him out of the park. 

[00:34:11] Olivia: I'll tell you Um so at at our old job um there was a lot of kind like woo woo Podcasts that we would pro produce one of them was a dream interpretation show that was like bible lead dream interpretation that seems to be pretty common in this space Um but one time I was talking to this the host of this show and like I dream a lot and I think about my dreams and I said something to him like yeah it's kind of cool when you start paying attention like anyone can kind of interpret their own dreams And he was so offended Um or at least he was really nice about it But like I could tell that that hurt him because I think he went to school for dream interpretation 

[00:34:59] Zach: Where like Naropa in Boulder. 

[00:35:02] Olivia: somewhere in Canada 

[00:35:03] Zach: Oh, that's right. There's a huge Woo community in, uh, in British Columbia. 

[00:35:08] Olivia: yeah he was like mm yeah Not really 

[00:35:12] Zach: Guess he was right. 

[00:35:14] Victor: yeah but 

didn't he bring everything back to Jesus 

[00:35:17] Olivia: the thing is like all of my dreams were apparently about Jesus And 

[00:35:21] Victor: I don't think all your dreams are about Jesus

[00:35:24] Olivia: think I can interpret my dreams better than him 

[00:35:28] Zach: well I think yeah, I think the Dreamer is the best for the job, . You know what I mean? 

There's also the possibility that like Dream Bible doesn't, you know, have everything. Like maybe we, uh, get too hung up on what it has to say sometimes 

[00:35:44] Olivia: Dream Bible is my religion 

[00:35:46] Victor: Yeah I won't have you Why 

[00:35:48] Olivia: by this book 

[00:35:50] Victor: Don't you dare Besmirch The good name of Dream Bible 

[00:35:53] Zach: It is funny how we, when we started this, like in like early pre-production phases, we'll we, we were like, yeah, we'll use a variety of resources and we'll try a bunch of different approaches, and then we found this 

[00:36:04] Victor: sitting 

[00:36:05] Olivia: on right here Yeah 

[00:36:06] Victor: Yeah That I haven't touched in a year because Dream Bible is so good 

[00:36:11] Zach: It is kind of like, like mirrors our approach to this. You know what I mean? Like, it's grounded in like research and surveys, but it's the, it Leaves room for like magic.

[00:36:21] Olivia: Leaves a little room for googly-eyed sheep and spaghetti and toilets 

[00:36:25] Victor: Okay let's see Maybe maybe one of these books has the answer 

 We've got uh the Dream Dictionary from A to Z We've got the A to Z Dream dictionary and we've got the Bible-based dictionary of prophetic symbols Which one should we crack open for horses 

[00:36:44] Zach: Um, 

[00:36:45] Victor: What does 

[00:36:46] Olivia: does the big man have to say 

[00:36:48] Zach: the big man? God or me? 

[00:36:53] Olivia: you're the 

[00:36:54] Victor: you're the big man 

[00:36:57] Zach: Sorry. I was I, I muted myself on Google Hangouts cause I had to fart and now I'm like sitting here thinking like, what if I forget to edit that fart out? Cause it's still made it to my recording. And so now I have to say something for the editor. Please take that out. And then

I realize 

[00:37:19] Olivia: your voice 

[00:37:20] Zach: we'll see. But then I realized I had to say something because I didn't actually hear you list any of those books. Cause I was so concerned about farting, 

[00:37:31] Victor: Well 

it's too late now 

[00:37:33] Zach: did I lose my big man status? 

[00:37:37] Olivia: Yeah 

[00:37:40] Victor: All right So according to the Bible-based dictionary of prophetic symbols a horse Of great strength powerful and warfare Powerful spirit Spirit of tenacious not double-minded A ministry that is powerful and capable of competing 

[00:37:59] Olivia: strength 

[00:38:00] Victor: under control such as meekness God's judgment And then under symbolic actions we've got horse that kicks black is lack okay And white is purity or righteousness So did you guys get anything out of that I kind of blacked out while I was talking 

[00:38:20] Olivia: that's 

[00:38:22] Zach: the first part was kind of similar to the Dream Bible. Just kind of like framed a little bit different, but kind of a similar idea. 

[00:38:29] Victor: Yeah drive 

[00:38:31] Olivia: I don't think people understand horses Horses are lazy pieces of shit that are scared of most things strong but they are terrified of like the leaf blowing across the fucking ground 

[00:38:47] Zach: so then do we believe that like, it's the cultural perception of horses that you like, you know, that seeps into your subconscious, that dictates, dictates the meaning? Or does it you as a horse girl and your experiences 

[00:39:03] Olivia: me that 

[00:39:07] Zach: you as our resident horse girl? 

[00:39:10] Olivia: I'm leaving this 

[00:39:11] Victor: podcast 

[00:39:12] Zach: I'm sorry. Do you wanna be the big man? 

Okay, like, just be, if you, if you have experience that contradicts or informs a different experience of


symbol, then like, then maybe, uh, familiar to the 

like common person. 

[00:39:32] Olivia: This is true but we also talked about um how like it it does seem like we have waking symbology that seems be cohesive Like we talked about this in episode five Were um we're talking about per the color purple where it's like we associate purple with royalty but in dreams apparently it it's like a neutrality thing or like a a powerlessness 

[00:39:58] Zach: Yeah. 

[00:39:59] Olivia: and like so I just wonder if like even if I have my own waking ideas about what something means like um maybe I'm still cuz cuz I don't I don't know where that sleeping symbology comes from but it's um I don't think I have power over it I think it's like it's coming from somewhere that I don't really have a lot of control over 

[00:40:22] Zach: Yeah. And I guess we don't get to cherry pick, right? Like if we believe it one time 

[00:40:27] Olivia: what I'm saying 

[00:40:28] Zach: it solves 

a dream, then we kind of have to subscribe to all of it, right? 

[00:40:32] Victor: Yeah 

[00:40:32] Olivia: it's all or nothing Dream Bible or bust 

[00:40:36] Victor: right Because once we open that can of worms it's like we have to question everything 

[00:40:40] Olivia: Beach 

[00:40:42] Victor: In the Bible-based dictionary of prophetic symbols is power or illumination coming from God or the heavenly a time of exposure or spotlight Uh nope Sorry I'm reading the wrong one That's a beam Okay Going back

Okay Beach transitional state between land and water symbolizes the transition between nature and spirit 

[00:41:06] Olivia: Okay 

[00:41:07] Victor: I'm putting the the Bible one 

[00:41:08] Zach: So again, with the transition 

[00:41:10] Victor: yeah 

[00:41:11] Olivia: yeah I I um I get the sense that this uh dream is about a time of transition and a time of uncertainty And I I'm not totally sure if it's about um 

[00:41:21] Zach: work? 

[00:41:23] Olivia: yeah or like there was something in there about health too wasn't there 

[00:41:27] Zach: Mm, maybe. 

[00:41:29] Victor: health 

[00:41:30] Olivia: I thought maybe on the beach entry or something 

[00:41:32] Zach: think there was an example 

[00:41:34] Victor: oh 

stamina Endurance Or your capacity for hard work 

[00:41:38] Olivia: in the beach entry I thought but 

[00:41:41] Victor: Um 

[00:41:41] Zach: think there was an example under beach of a guy that was having a health. 

[00:41:45] Victor: Oh yeah If you're dying you might dream of 


[00:41:48] Olivia: Well and this is the that's that's because I'm dying And so 

[00:41:53] Zach: I'm gonna miss you. 

[00:41:54] Olivia: you guys do this without me 

[00:41:57] Victor: but we're not going to I mean you can you wanna keep doing this Zach 

[00:42:02] Zach: Just one crazy guy talking about his 

[00:42:05] Victor: yourself

Okay So according to A to Z Dream dictionary a horse in a dream represents endurance power and inner strength You must master the wild energies within you 

[00:42:18] Zach: you must, Olivia, 

[00:42:20] Victor: Is that doing anything for you 

[00:42:25] Olivia: Horny 

[00:42:26] Victor: Mm-hmm 

[00:42:27] Zach: you're just announcing your emotions now. 

[00:42:30] Victor: And then uh if you dream of a beach it means you are confronting you are confronting adversity It could also represent the transition to a new environment 

[00:42:39] Olivia: Wow That is kind of cool That like they're all kind of rooted in something Dream interpretation guys It's a real thing It's a real 

[00:42:50] Zach: Welcome to podcast. 

[00:42:53] Victor: could also indicate that you're dealing with a huge issue and aren't taking it seriously enough beaches 

[00:42:59] Olivia: in there wow 

[00:43:01] Victor: Beaches have also been described as the meeting of reasonable and irrational mental processes That could be something if white horse and black horse represent one reasonable and one irrational mental process Hmm 

[00:43:19] Olivia: Is that in the horse entry or the beach 

[00:43:20] Victor: entry That's the beach entry But you're on a beach and you got these two things that are dealing with each other They 

[00:43:26] Olivia: reminded me to oh like I don't know if I like consciously thought this in the dream but like I maybe kind of did like looking at them It was very like reminiscent of a yin yang 

[00:43:40] Victor: Hmm 

[00:43:40] Zach: Yeah. Visually I could see that, 

[00:43:42] Victor: And now we're turning two The Dream dictionary from A to z 

[00:43:46] Olivia: I like the cover of this one the 

[00:43:48] Victor: Me too 

[00:43:49] Olivia: And that's how I judge books 

[00:43:52] Zach: and it does, to go back to like patriarchy thing, but like, or the, um, 

[00:43:58] Victor: We're never going back to the patriarchy 

[00:44:00] Zach: historical,


um, I don't know, I'm pretty married to it. Um, yeah, just that, that like, um, that historical paradigm of like the thing that's on top is dominant or whatever. I was gonna say, like, I, I don't think you have to believe in it for it to like seep into your

subconscious and take a hold But the more we talk, right. Yeah. Internalize. But the more we talk about this, the more I feel like it's not that this time though, it does seem

like it's

right. I mean, just based on what you said about your feelings, The more we like correlate the horse on the beach by doing each of these entries, it seems like it's 

about some kind of merger, know some 

kind of merger. 

[00:44:45] Victor: Yeah 

[00:44:46] Zach: Like it doesn't really seem to be about, uh, right? The horses are both powerful 

[00:44:54] Victor: Yeah that's right 

[00:44:55] Olivia: see what you just did 

[00:44:58] Zach: my, the sign language for merger making a circle with my hand and poking it with the other one. 

The classic gesture 

[00:45:09] Olivia: Um 

[00:45:10] Victor: okay So in the Dream Dictionary from A to Z the horse entry reads as follows see animals pets

That's it That's it Yeah So 

[00:45:22] Olivia: this this is the shittiest one 

[00:45:24] Victor: I mean so let's go to an animals 

[00:45:26] Olivia: oh well okay So maybe there's a horse in there 

[00:45:29] Victor: Yeah but It's like buried in the animal entry

[00:45:32] Olivia: It's gonna be like sea horses 

[00:45:35] Zach: See spot run. 

[00:45:36] Olivia: It's just an infinite loop sending you between page 13 and page 

[00:45:41] Victor: 49 

Wait I'm in I'm in animals We got Doug donkey elephant fox game animals 

[00:45:49] Zach: But horses under pets. 

[00:45:51] Victor: Oh there it is I see horse There's horse It's actually quite long Uh steady show that the animals that most often appear in dreams are horses along with cats and dogs And women seem to dream of horses more often than men do 

[00:46:05] Zach: Yeah. Horse growth. 

[00:46:06] Victor: Indeed Art 

[00:46:08] Olivia: notorious 

[00:46:10] Victor: Ofk second century ad lists horses among the most common dreams of women Some dream interpreters suggest that horses represent male sexuality According to Freud horses symbolize the sexual drive Jung noted that the horses that the horse dreams could often be indicative of health conditions horses like dogs You got something

[00:46:36] Olivia: Oh that's just in that's interesting Like didn't I I said it like a minute 

[00:46:41] Zach: Yeah You asked about that 

[00:46:42] Victor: like yeah 

[00:46:42] Olivia: didn't wasn't there a health thing in there In the beach entry And there's not but it says 

[00:46:47] Victor: well there is I mean it it was saying that um dreaming of a beach may be a sign that you were confronting a serious crisis moment in your life Possibly a sign that you are not doing enough to take a serious problem or crisis seriously 

[00:46:59] Olivia: So what did Jung say horses and health

[00:47:04] Victor: It says uh according to Freud horses symbolize the sexual drive Young noted that horse dreams could often be indicative of health 

conditions Horses like dogs represent urges and passions in ourselves that we have learned to harness or direct And in general they represent positive 

things that are about to happen in a dreamer's waking life Horses suggest the sort of enthusiasm or feelings of wellbeing that can carry us through the day and through life


[00:47:34] Olivia: things that Are about to happen Are we gonna have are am I gonna have a horse baby 

[00:47:39] Victor: You might You've been fucking horses Have you 

[00:47:46] Olivia: All right let's move on

[00:47:49] Zach: Airdale Terriers. 

[00:47:51] Victor: okay Horses like dogs represent urges and passions in ourselves that we've learned to harness or direct And in general they represent positive things that are about to happen in a dreamer's waking life horse ex horses suggest the sort of enthusiasm or feelings of wellbeing that can carry us through the day and through life Having said that much depends on the context of the dream For instance if the dreamer falls off the horse this may suggest relating badly to urges and passions and the resulting tensions this creates if the horse is wild This suggests 

[00:48:26] Olivia: undirected energy 

[00:48:27] Victor: such as sexual desire which overrides personal and interpersonal needs See also pets 

[00:48:35] Olivia: Hmm 

[00:48:36] Victor: So this is the this is the most like unconventional of the interpretation 


[00:48:45] Zach: But I like that our boy Jung was in there, 

but nothing. You were, were you just curious about the health thing or do you, is that like a thread you could pull on? 

[00:48:52] Olivia: I'm going to the doctor soon We'll see 

[00:48:55] Zach: Oh, really. 

[00:48:57] Olivia: I guess like the main un like one of the big things that is a theme in my health is that like I have a lot of joint problems um like just systemically it seems like and I have since I was a little kid like prepubescent I've had joint pain and it's that's weird right 

it's kind of odd for a kid to experience that But I was on kind of a trajectory for different specialists for a while and that somehow didn't there wasn't follow through there And so I never got like a diagnosis on like what that might be about But I recently came across something that seems like it might be the thing I have And so I'm trying now to go get tested for this condition that maybe would explain a lot of the health stuff I've been dealing with 

[00:49:54] Zach: Is it super serious? Should I be worried? 

[00:49:56] Olivia: I'm not gonna die 

[00:49:57] Zach: Okay 

[00:49:58] Olivia: Yeah I'll be fine But uh uh I'll tell the thing that like made me realize it is kind of I don't know if I like wanna put this part on the podcast but I'll tell you cuz it's really weird But like people with this condition have like super stretchy like elastic skin 

[00:50:19] Victor: you gotta show Um 

[00:50:20] Olivia: And I was like 

[00:50:21] Zach: I don't wanna see 

[00:50:22] Olivia: I was like I don't have that I don't I probably don't have this condition because I've obviously I don't . Have that for some reason I just never bothered to like 

[00:50:32] Zach: Pull on your skin. 

[00:50:33] Olivia: yeah I never bothered to tug on it and like 

[00:50:36] Zach: Yeah mine's Mine's 

really taut, 

[00:50:40] Olivia: all good You're fine 

[00:50:42] Zach: but I also, it grosses me out to like, even try, so 

[00:50:44] Victor: Mm-hmm Yeah 

[00:50:47] Olivia: so I I so I gave it a tug and and Victor was whoa you gotta go to the doctor 

[00:50:54] Zach: do you think maybe that. 

[00:50:57] Olivia: possible That's been on my mind I'm going to the doctor Um so 

[00:51:01] Zach: Okay. We can live with a hard maybe

[00:51:03] Olivia: I feel like um if one thing resonated there it's like and this is um seems to be a theme in in all the beach entries is that it's like the merging of the subconscious and it's where the subconscious meets the the conscious mind I guess like I wasn't paying a lot of attention to the actual water but I was on on the land there So it's like 

[00:51:26] Victor: it 

[00:51:26] Olivia: kind of fit in with what we were talking about How I I feel like there's maybe um some stuff that I am going to be working through soon that I'm not like conscious enough about to to talk about Cuz I'm not I'm not really aware of what that might be 

[00:51:44] Zach: Maybe it's just about that self-awareness, 

 Like just, uh, processing the fact that you have processing to, do, you know what I mean?

[00:51:52] Olivia: maybe So yeah Maybe I just won't bring dreams for a little while 

[00:51:56] Victor: Cancel the podcast 

[00:51:57] Olivia: case 

[00:51:58] Zach: but then 

how are you gonna, yeah. Our most prolific dreamer can't throw in the towel. 

[00:52:02] Olivia: Okay I'll bring them But I'm just gonna get mad I'm gonna say I don't wanna do this anymore Throw my headphones on the 

[00:52:08] Victor: crew 

[00:52:08] Zach: Now we're just gonna gradually help you process. 

We're gonna figure out who you're castrating with, your womanly, ocean 

 That was the Freud part. It's just always with the cocks with that guy. 

Zach's Dream

[00:52:44] Zach: I had like, um, a dream last night that I realized is, and I don't remember a lot of it, but, um, it took place on a bus And it felt like a city bus, like a, not super like cush or anything, but it was going a long distance and it felt like a, like, field trip, you know what I mean? Like, I didn't know the people on the bus, but, um, there was stopping and like getting off and stretching your legs and then getting back on and, and I just, I looked up that, that's basically all I remember. Like, I know it was a long dream, but like, can't remember any events. Uh, I just remember this bus and I realized that I, uh, I have bus dreams all the time. reoccurring

[00:53:32] Olivia: Yeah And you told me like you have a like a train a reoccurring train right 

[00:53:38] Zach: Yeah. But the train dreams are kind of fun. They're like whimsical. They're like, they're always on like the European countryside. 

[00:53:44] Olivia: Was the bus not fun 

[00:53:46] Zach: No, it feels much more purpose driven, like a field trip or like a commute 

[00:53:50] Olivia: Watch that be the difference between a train and a bus in Dream Bible 

[00:53:55] Zach: could be. Um, I do know I looked up bus earlier cause I was curious and it's pretty spot on

[00:54:03] Victor: do you wanna read it 

[00:54:04] Zach: sure. Yeah.

It's a dream of a bus represents the situation in your life that feels unpleasant or unbearable to have to be patient with a situation that isn't working out the way you wanted it to, or feeling that some area of your life is taking too long. A bus may reflect unwanted disappointments or delays as you move toward your desired goals, feeling that you have to be patient with the situation you are waiting for complaints about how long a goal is taking to.

So it's another work dream. 

[00:54:35] Victor: Hmm 

[00:54:35] Zach: I literally just earlier this week got turned down for a, uh, like a, a dream job that I was interviewing for. I got some symmetry in this episode. Olivia just has got a


and I just, but I mean, career stuff is always a thing for me and like has been since I answered the workforce, so it makes sense. I felt like it was taking too long. Day one, and now I'm 33 and I'm like, why am I not where I wanna be? Uh, so kind of an open and shut case on, on the bus 

[00:55:08] Olivia: like not even much to interpret there but what does a field trip that's um maybe some additional 

[00:55:13] Zach: No, it's thinking more so than this would just be a conversation starter, 

[00:55:18] Victor: Well I've I've got field drip pulled up yeah To dream of a field drip represents seeing something for yourself It reflects concerns or interests you have where you are verifying something requesting information going out of your way to notice something or trying something out just to see what happens 

[00:55:36] Zach: Yeah. 

that would make sense. Actually. I have another job interview on Friday. 

[00:55:41] Olivia: Okay 

[00:55:42] Victor: cool 

[00:55:42] Zach: And it's, um, you know, it's not the dream job I just got turned down for, but it's, uh, it would be a good job. And so I'm kind of going into this interview with an attitude of like, man, let's see what happens. 

[00:55:55] Victor: Yeah 

[00:55:56] Olivia: think that's a good place to be 

[00:55:58] Zach: Yeah.

It's still relevant to like, broadcasting and stuff, so it's, so I'm, you know, I'm gonna do the interview, but I'm just like, uh, I'm too burnt out from this last experience to be, to bother being nervous, you know what I mean 

[00:56:12] Olivia: I really do find that to be a good place to be though is like I've gotten in the past really like worked up for interviews and like just been really nervous and like trying to like study and like practice and and get my answers to questions like rehearsed And I always 

[00:56:33] Victor: feel like 

[00:56:35] Olivia: that nervous energy comes through stronger than anything in those interviews where I have um practiced my tell me about yourself question And this most recent time I I don't know why um but I just decided I'm not going to even not even a little bit I'm not even going to think about it And um it was a much better more pleasant experience for me 

[00:57:02] Victor: Like 

[00:57:03] Olivia: and I got the job So like I don't know I think that that that having that attitude going in Pays off albeit I do think that that comes from like being emotionally exhausted from like kind of the arduous journey of having tried and um 

 Having negative experiences but um maybe it's like all uphill from there 

[00:57:29] Victor: Yeah I feel like being uh jaded and feeling dead inside can be mistaken for confidence really work out in your 

[00:57:37] Olivia: favor 

[00:57:38] Zach: Yeah. 

[00:57:39] Victor: Which reminds me of our first date 

[00:57:43] Olivia: Yeah Yeah I thought Victor was too cool school 

[00:57:48] Victor: Yeah 

[00:57:48] Olivia: Turns out it was Um yeah What was your deal 

[00:57:53] Victor: I was like so I thought oh this is like the hottest uh most interesting person that's wanted to date me in a long time I 

[00:58:02] Zach: gonna walk out. 

[00:58:03] Victor: overly excited about this This isn't gonna work out And so I like psyched myself up into rolling into that date Like with a who like what happens happens Attitude 

[00:58:15] Olivia: He seemed way too chill He seemed like eh whatever seemed like aloof 

[00:58:23] Victor: I like accepted that it wasn't gonna go anywhere like right off the bat And uh then it now we're married 

[00:58:30] Zach: There you go. 

[00:58:31] Olivia: Yeah 

[00:58:31] Victor: think about that sometimes of like if I if like somehow I had to like go back in time and like like win you over again I feel like I'd be too excited It'd be a turnoff You'd be like oh this guy's kind of weird and move right along 

[00:58:46] Olivia: if you knew me but 

[00:58:49] Victor: you Right Like if I had to like if I got dropped back into my body in like 2019 you'd 

[00:58:54] Zach: what you know now 

[00:58:55] Olivia: weird And I'd be like well what 

[00:58:57] Victor: the fuck Yeah You'd be like guy's a fucking freak I'm not seeing him again You're looking me like that 

Yeah There's no way I'd be able to play it Cool Now this 

[00:59:05] Olivia: looking at me like I'm his wife 

[00:59:08] Zach: you

know the first thing you say is like, in the future we're married, 

[00:59:13] Victor: come with me I can take you 

to my time machine 

[00:59:21] Olivia: But you also like are just a little more reserved with like new people too So and I recognize that like looking back at it after having known you for a couple of months I was like okay that like that all makes more sense now But yeah I really thought that he like 

[00:59:38] Zach: thought he was . Walking in like 

[00:59:40] Olivia: Yeah 

[00:59:41] Zach: he thought he was walking in like it was his third date that day. 

[00:59:45] Olivia: that's what it felt like It felt like oh he just like schedules these like 

[00:59:52] Victor: I was like I was excited for that date and then it felt it was like the easiest date because I felt like we already had so much to talk about rolling into it Like we talked a lot over Bumble or whatever and I was like I had like a plan I went into into it with like we can talk about this after that We could talk about this after that We can even talk about this I was just like ready to go Um 

[01:00:16] Zach: Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do for Friday. I'm just gonna like, not over prepare, but just like, I don't know, spend some time on their website and be like, oh yeah, I could talk about this, but I'm not gonna make. I mean, for the last one, the dream job, I, I kind of did the same thing. I didn't make a plan cuz it's, I mean, it's a podcast that I listened to, so like, I felt like I knew those guys.

I felt like I didn't have to do any preparing, 

[01:00:40] Victor: Hmm 

[01:00:41] Zach: um, which is a new, unique kind of like soul crush that I had never 

[01:00:47] Olivia: Oh 

[01:00:47] Victor: Yeah 

[01:00:48] Zach: experienced before. Um, getting turned down by like someone you look up to is uniquely devastating. But they were sup, they were super cool. They seemed to like, enjoy the interview. Like it, I think it went well. I just got beat by different candidate.

[01:01:05] Olivia: I I really think like I was I was saying this to Victor yesterday we were talking about this and it's like I really feel like the problem with that is just that there were gonna be several good candidates for that job and like they probably just had to pick somebody like they probably liked 

[01:01:29] Victor: and 

[01:01:29] Olivia: like felt you they've probably liked you and felt you were competent and also felt that way about like several people and just had to choose somebody at a certain point You know it's then that kind of sucks cuz it's like 

[01:01:42] Zach: Luck of the draw 

[01:01:43] Olivia: like arbitrary Like you can't do anything about it 

[01:01:46] Victor: But I really think like if you made it to that 

point where you've gone where you've made it through several rounds to like the final round of interviews with a dream job like that you're gonna get a job

like that

Like if they're like You have the resume you have the experience it's just a matter of time 

[01:02:06] Zach: Yeah. And luck. but I, yeah, I think that's, that's what the bus dream is. It's, it's moving forward, but like being annoyed by all the stops and slowdowns and, 

[01:02:16] Victor: For sure


[01:02:18] Zach: not being the one driving, you know. 

[01:02:20] Victor: I feel like I I like graduated like shortly after her recession or something or I I can't remember I feel like I came into like a bad job market when I got outta school And so I still very much have it in my brain of like work being scarce Like like good fucking luck Finding a job doing anything anywhere Like I know that that's not true It ebbs and flows and like supposedly now is a good time to find a job or whatever but like it's burned into my brain that uh it's never a good time to find a job It's always gonna be like impossible to find work

[01:02:57] Zach: And I was just, ironically, I was producing, um, or engineering a podcast this past weekend where one of the hosts was talking about, cuz she was, you know, in a position where she hires people all the time and she was saying that the power is always in the hands of the employees. It's like

people don't really, employers act cool like Victor on a they actually like, are desperate for qualified talent.

[01:03:21] Victor: like

Victor on a date 

[01:03:24] Zach: that's you, Olivia, your qualified talent. 

[01:03:27] Olivia: Hell yeah 

[01:03:28] Zach: the big man. 

[01:03:30] Olivia: big man I'm the horse girl I'm not the horse girl I'm the big man Okay 

Thank you for listening to The Jung and the Restless. You can follow us on social media at The Jung and the Restless and submit your dreams for interpretation to The Jung and the Restless at Gmail. And as we always say, can't be a dead, dead horse in the mouth, but you, but you can't lead it to water.

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